Cupping is an ancient method of removing and moving stagnation of qi, blood and body fluids that have built up over time in the muscles and surrounding tissues. This is done by creating a suction with glass or plastic cups in the desired area. Generally, cupping is combined with acupuncture in one treatment, but it can also be used alone. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is also used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite!
Cupping can be part of your acupuncture treatment or booked as
a stand alone session.
Gua sha is similar to cupping in that it too is a method for moving stagnant qi and blood from the surface of the body. Pain, both acute and chronic, is the most common indication for gua sha. While it is most commonly used to treat pain, gua sha can also be utilized to address conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu, fever, heatstroke, fibromyalgia, strains, sprains, and muscle spasms.

Moxibustion (moxa) comes from the Mugwort plant. It's leaves are dried and refined to be used in several forms such as rice grain, cigar and cones. Moxa is placed on or above the desired acu-point and lit on fire to create heat and generate the yang qi of the body. There are many benefits to Moxibustion Therapy. Clinically it increases blood cell counts especially that of white blood cells which strengthens the immune system. The heat produced from the burning moxa penetrates deeply into underlying tissues improving circulation and helping to reduce both pain and inflammation.
With natural healing comes natural methods to treat your body. We view food as a form of herbal medicine. Each type of food has properties similar to natural herbs such as warming and cooling temperatures, moistening, drying and astringent qualities. We also consider how the food is cooked and the foods that are natural to the season you are currently in to create the healthiest meals for your body.